Friday, May 26, 2006

Senate Immigration Bill - A Travesty

The immigration bill passed out of the Senate yesterday violates public trust, is contrary to what a majority of Americans want and contains numerous loopholes. One of my Senators from Kansas - Senator Brownback - voted for this abominal bill, here's the note I sent to him last night:

Senator Brownback - I am OUTRAGED at your vote on the Senate Immigration Bill. You broke ranks with a majority of Republican Senators. You broke ranks with Senators Roberts, Talent and Bond. But more importantly, you broke ranks with - and are losing the faith of - your constituents.

A SIGNIFCANT PLURALITY of citizens do not want the type of reform the Senate passed on Thursday. How is it that you found yourself able to support a bill that a MAJORITY of Republican Senators opposed?

How is it that you supported a bill that the two Senators from Texas did not support? Do you not think they understand, better than you, the implications of illegal immigration upon our society?

As a strong Republican, my only regret is that you are NOT up for reelection until 2010. For I would devote all of my energy into finding and supporting a GOP candidate that would represent our values, that would not give away our culture and our country to Mexico and that would care more about what U.S. citizens wanted than what illegal aliens and the President of Mexico wanted.

Michelle Malkin has two well documented posts regarding this bill:



Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) provides an excellent rundown of the flaws in this bill on his official website:

Sen. Jeff Sessions Explains His Opposition to Final Passage of the Senate Immigration Bill

But, if none of the the above is convincing enough evidence how bad this bill is, consider Mexican President Fox's response to it:

Mexican President Vicente Fox on Thursday called the U.S. Senate's landmark vote on immigration policy a "monumental step forward" that marks a historic moment in the relationship between Mexico and the U.S.

"It is a moment that millions of families have been hoping for. This is the moment that millions of people have been working for," he told a joint session of the California Legislature. [ed. note - He's NOT referring to millions of American citizens!]

Mexican president calls Senate immigration bill a 'historic vote'

I look forward to your comments.