Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Contemplating Retirement

Wow! Hard to believe it's been a year since I wrote my first (and only) entry on this blog. I guess I just wasn't ready to start writing one yet.

Tomorrow is my retirement ceremony - after close to 21 years in the Navy. As I write this, less than an hour before the rehearsal, I still don't know what I'm going to say tomorrow. Do I look towards the past, citing events gone by, friends of yesteryear and perhaps a humorous anecdote, aka sea story? Or do I speak of the present and future, of goals not yet accomplished and high and lofty aims in the coming years? More than likely, I will choose somewhere in between - speaking fondly of the past and looking forward, even if with some trepidation, to the stability of the future.

My family and I have lived here for four years now - the longest time in one place in over 20 years of frequent moves. Will this be our ultimate destination? or is it just another stop on along the way? It's hard to say right now - we are here for the foreseeable future, 3 to 7 years, until the children are done with high school and college. After that, who knows? Will the roots be too deep to move again? or will we become restless and have the need to move on?


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